OFERTA NO VINCULANT: Les dades exposades han estat facilitades per tercers, són de caràcter informatiu i estan subjectes a errades, canvis de preu, omissió i/o retirada del mercat sense preavís, tanmateix les superfícies en m2 són aproximades.
OFERTA NO VINCULANTE: Los datos expuestos han sido facilitadas por terceros, son de carácter informativo y están sujetos a errores, cambios de precio, omisión y/o retirada del mercado sin preaviso, aun así las superficies en m² son aproximadas.
OFFRE NON OBLIGATOIRE: Les données exposées ont été facilitées par troisièmes, sont de caractère informatif et ils sont soumis à des erreurs, changements de prix, omission et/ou retraite du marché sans préavis, pourtant les surfaces en m2 sont approximatives.
OFFER NOT LINKING: The exposed data have been facilitated by third, are of informative nature and are subject at errors, changes of price, omission and/or withdrawal of the market without notice, however the surfaces at m2 are approximate.
Manel Ricou
When somebody of my environment takes the decision to buy or sell his house, want to be the person at which deposit his trust to obtain advice.
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Corporate values
The betrothal for the well made work, the transparency, the social responsibility and the personal tract with the customer are our essence.
Gràcies equip de PisosBCN! David Agost 2020
Repetiria aquesta experiència tan màgica de la mà d’en Manel. Els petits detalls marquen la diferència. Moltes gràcies!
Recibí un trato amable, cercano y muy profesional. Ha sido un placer tener a Manel a mi lado para mi primera compra.
Anna i David
Gràcies a la experiència i professionalitat d'en Manel vàrem poder sortejar totes les "dificultats".
Send this form with your name and phone number and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Responsible. Who is the Manager of the treatment of data?
We inform him that Manel Ricou Fustagueras (at forward “Pisosbcn.cat”) is the titular of the web pisosbcn.cat, with DNI 43.402.259-V and domicile at the C/ Can Blanch 8. 08348 Cabrils. It can contact for e-mail at #info@pisosbcn.cat or for telephone at the 667 907 507.
Legitimization. Which is the Legitimization for the treatment of his data?
The legal base for the treatment of his data is based at the consent that will solicit him at the distinct forms of contact. The user that facilitate his personal data through the distinct forms, will be providing voluntarily data of personal nature (of now at forward Personal Data). The information that facilitate us will pass at being introduced at a treatment of data under the responsibility of “Pisosbcn.cat” and will maintain confidential and protected.
“Pisosbcn.cat” informs at the users that, at fulfillment of the RGPD 679/2016 and #the L.o. 3/2018 it has of a Registry of Activities. For everything this, the user accepts of form expresses, fully and without reservation that “Pisosbcn.cat” treat his personal data of form automated and incorporate the ones at a treatment of data with the purpose to be able to respond the queries that you pose and loaned and offer his kicks. At the epigraph purpose will detail him amply with which purpose “Pisosbcn.cat” will treat his personal data.
This politician of privacy describes the compilation the use that muck of his personal information. Unless specifically it establish the opposite, will consider necessary complete all the obligatory data to utilise all the forms.
Provenance. How we have obtained his data?
All the personal information, data of personal nature, that have of you body the has facilitated through the distinct forms of contact or at the e-mails.
Data that solicit at the form of contact:
Name and surnames
will not treat data especially protected.
Visit the web of “Pisosbcn.cat” does not suppose that the user was obliged to facilitate any information on if same.
The user will the option to loan his acceptance and consent at the treatment of his personal data for part of “PisosBcn” in compliance with the Political Present of Protection of Data. However, if it does not accept the terms of the Politician of Protection of Data, will not be able to utilise the form of contact.
“Pisosbcn.cat” prohibits expressly that the minors of eighteen years facilitate personal data without his parents's previous consent or tutors. At case of minor being of eighteen years and not having this consent, do not facilitate personal data at “Pisosbcn.cat” or utilise our kicks.
The user will have to facilitate at “Pisosbcn.cat” the personal data that can him require when utilise the form of contact. The personal data will be treated with the rank of protection legally exigible to guarantee the security of the same and eschew his alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized fit, taking into account the state of the tech, being the conscious user and accepting that the sizes of security at Internet are not impregnables.
Purpose. With which purpose will treat his personal data?
At “Pisosbcn.cat” treat the information that facilitates us to manage the queries got.
Purpose of the treatment of data of the form of contact: respond at his queries.
In sum, the personal information that facilitate us through the distinct forms and at the e-mails, will maintain confidential and protected. At any case will destine or will utilise for other ends, will not hand at third persons without his consent, of chord with what establishes it RGPD 679/2016 and #the L.o. 3/2018. To conform with the distinct legal disposals, have established distinct levels of security to protect the personal data that facilitate us, having adopted all the technical sizes at our scope to eschew the loss, bad use, alteration, unauthorized fit and manipulation of these personal data.
Our betrothal:
we Promise to protect his intimacy and treat of confidential form the information that provide.
The information that provide will be utilised only for the kicks hired.
We will not reveal his personal information at third without his consent.
For how much of time will conserve his data?
The data of personal nature will conserve at fulfillment of the legal terms of prescription that result of app.
Addressees. At which addressees will communicate the data?
These data will be treated by “Pisosbcn.cat” and will be subjected at professional secret to be able to loan him the kick solicited.
Laws. Which are his laws when facilitates us data?
Any person has law to obtain confirmation on if “Pisosbcn.cat” treats with personal data that concern him, or no. The persons interested have law to access at his personal data, as well as at soliciting the rectification of the inaccurate data or, at his case, solicit the cancellation. Has always right at exerting his laws of fit, rectification, opposition, suppression, limitation of treatment and portability of the personal data that have provided us, established at the RGPD 679/2016 and #the L.o. 3/2018. It can make it in writing at the social domicile sited at the C/ Can Blanch 8. 08348 Cabrils. It Will be able to direct at the Authority of competent control to present the claim that consider timely.
Translation for Google translator.
Responsable: Manel Ricou Fustagueras
Finalidad: To send information about real estate that match the requirements of the client presented by filling this form.
Legitimación: To implement pre-contract measures to the clients request (budget request or information about our professional services).
Destinatarios: This data will arrive at the office and there is no expected data transfer if not for legal obligation.
Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email XXXXXX@XXXXXXX.es
Responsable: Manel Ricou
Finalidad: To send information about your property to the real estate agency so it can evaluate if it will offer your property to its clients to try to sell or rent it.
Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.
Destinatarios: The client’s data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation. The real estate’s data might be delivered to collaborating real estate agencies or published on web pages and real estate portals.
Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email XXXXXX@XXXXXXX.es
Responsable: Manel Ricou
Finalidad: To handle information requests through the website, aiming to offer real estate professional services and to give information about what’s requested.
Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.
Destinatarios: Your data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation.
Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email XXXXXX@XXXXXXX.es
Responsable: Manel Ricou
Finalidad: To handle information requests through the website, aiming to offer real estate professional services and to give information about what’s requested.
Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.
Destinatarios: Your data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation.
Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email XXXXXX@XXXXXXX.es